
This is a selection of the key policies that may be of interest to parents and carers. A full list and copy of all school policies is available for parents to read at school if required.


Absconding Policy 2023

Accessibility Plan 2021

Admissions Policy 2023 - 2024

Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025

 Allergies Policy - September 2023

Anti-Bullying Support for Parents and Pupils

Anti-Bullying Policy November 2023

Anti-Bullying Policy for Children November 2023

Appeals Procedure - November 2023  

Appeals Further Information

Assessment Policy - October 2022

Attendance Policy - 2023

Behaviour Policy - September 2022

Behaviour Principles Statement - January 2024

CCTV Policy - November 2022

Charging and Remissions Policy - September 2023

Charge Card Policy - May 2023

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy - September 2023 (Updated February 2024)

Children Missing from Education Policy - September 2023

Children with Health Needs Who Can't Attend School - February 2024

Collective Worship Policy May 2024

Complaints Policy September 2023

Complaints Form

Display & Presentation Policy - October 2022

Early Years Policy - January 2024

Equality and Diversity Policy & Objective - September 2023

First Aid and Medications Policy - May 2023

Fundamental British Values - November 2022

GDPR - March 2024

Gifted & Talented Policy - January 2023

Governor Allowances Policy - November 2023

Governor Code of Conduct - September 2023

Governor Visits Policy - November 2022

Handwriting Policy - October 2022 

Health & Safety Policy - September 2023

Home School Agreement 2023 - 2024

Homework Policy - October 2022

Lettings Policy - March 2024

Marking & Feedback Policy - January 2023

Mobile Phone Policy - May 2023

Online Safety Policy - November 2023

Parent & Carer Code of Conduct - November 2023

Positive Handling Policy - November 2023

Privacy Notice for Parents & Pupils - March 2024

Pupil Dress Code / School Uniform Policy - June 2022

Relationships and Sex Education - May 2023

Religious Education Policy - May 2024

Remote Learning Policy - January 2021

Social Media Policy for Parents, Staff & Pupils - May 2023

Special Educational Needs Policy - November 2023

Special Educational Needs Information Report - November 2023

Spirituality Policy - November 2022

Staff Behaviour Policy - September 2023

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions - September 2023

Staff Dress Code Policy - September 2023

Tackling Extremism & Radicalisation - March 2024

Unreasonable or Vexatious Complaints - March 2024

Whistleblowing Policy - September 2023

Young Carers Policy - September 2023


Copies are also available in the following formats; translated, audio or Braille if required.

Please request these through the school office.