Welcome to Our School

 I am delighted to welcome you to Heddington Church of England Primary School. Our school is a very special place and we pride ourselves on our warm and welcoming atmosphere and our absolute commitment to meeting the needs of every child. Our aim is to personalise learning so that all are enabled to succeed to their fullest potential, regardless of background, ability or need. 

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum embedded in the love of God, ensuring a solid foundation of skills in maths, reading and writing and building upon this with a rich, dynamic and inviting range of learning opportunities. Everyone at Heddington is committed to ensuring the highest quality learning environment and experiences for every one of our children. 

We would be more than happy to show you around our school should you wish to visit us in person. Please have a look around the website and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to give us a call.


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  • Earth: 247.92
  • Wind: 215.78
  • Fire: 249.33

Team of the Year were Fire. Congratulations!!!

Stars of the Term were;

Oscar S, Bradley C, Maddie B & Jasmine RH

Congratulations to you all & well done!

Thursday 13th February - Rays Dance Show at St Mary's School

Friday 14th February - End of Term 3

Monday 24th February - Term 4 Starts

Wednesday 5th March - Full Governors

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Friday 28th - Monday 31st March - Marlins Residential Trip