
Statement of Intent

At Heddington Church of England Primary School, we encourage and inspire children to explore and discover the world around them, to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity and therefore promote a love of learning in science. Children experience a hands-on science curriculum from the beginning of their learning journey. This develops curiosity and perseverance, as well as challenging what we already know about the world.  We aim to make science as practical, linking it to real life contexts, and giving meaning to our learning. 

Embedded through all teaching and learning are the skills of working scientifically to encourage children to become independent learners and develop the confidence to investigate, make predictions, test, solve problems and draw conclusions. Children are immersed in a vocabulary rich environment and are encouraged ask questions and use discussion to further develop and stretch their knowledge and understanding. 

Where possible we will not limit science learning to the classroom. We aim to make use of our incredible outdoor facilities and endless local countryside.  This will allow children to develop the key skills of investigation, problem solving and teamwork; empowering children to question the world around them and become scientific thinkers. 

The experiences children have in science are entwined with aspects of our school values. We encourage perseverance particularly when investigating a new concept or idea. Concepts in science may raise questions relating to creation, evolution and faith. Scientific investigation will enable opportunities for wonder and may raise questions about truthfulness and trust in beliefs. We promote a respect of scientific investigation alongside a deep respect for others, their achievements and beliefs. 

What do we want Children to Gain from Science?

We want children to:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • To understand the principles of 'working scientifically', by engaging in a range of different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
  • Begin their secondary science education with a strong foundation of scientific knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of (and the ability to apply to a range of contexts) the scientific process.

How we Assess Impact

At the start of each new unit, children create a mind map containing words and diagrams to show what they already know about the topic to be covered. Usually, children draw from earlier learning; many of the units are repeated in the curriculum as children progress through school, though looked at in more depth or a different aspect is explored. Teachers may use these mind maps to identify misconceptions or areas for further teaching. By the end of a unit, children return to this mind map and add to it (and correct any mistakes) in purple pen. This practice clearly highlights the prior understanding and subsequent learning for each unit.

As well as this, the 'Working Scientifically' principles underpin the teaching of science at Heddington. Children regularly update their 'skills trackers', particularly after investigations, to show which scientific skills they've developed in a particular lesson. These skills are dated (up to three times a year) so that children can demonstrate when each has been achieved. This also enables children to understand how the core principles of the scientific method remain constant even though investigations may vary widely.

The science coordinator has termly release time to talk to pupils, review their work and observe lessons.

Our science co-ordinator is Mr Andrews.