
Statement of Intent

In recognising maths as a key life skill, at Heddington CE Primary School, we aim for pupils to develop a confident and positive approach to mathematical learning and language by using and applying a range of strategies. We encourage use and development of a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to enable deeper conceptual understanding through varied representations. Our Mathematics teaching and learning aims to deliver a mastery approach to learning, which is underpinned by the three main aims of the National Curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. All learners become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics therefore being able to reason and solve problems through the application of their mathematical understanding.  

Mathematical learning at Heddington CE Primary places emphasis on the cumulative mastery of essential knowledge and skills in mathematics in order for children to flourish. This allows children to ensure they understand clearly what they are doing, why they are doing it and how this can be used and apply to solve other problems or in other aspects of their learning. 

The experiences children have in maths are entwined with aspects of our school values. Children will develop their skills to persevere as they carry out problem solving activities. Children will also gain an understanding of aspects of trust and truthfulness as they investigate and understand pattern and systems in maths. By developing children’s interest in maths, we are promoting an interest in, and wonder of, aspects of maths including number, pattern, certainty and investigation. By enabling children to make links between maths and the wider world, we enable opportunity for wonder. 

What do we want Children to Gain from Maths?

We want children to:

  • Develop their sense of number and mathematical fluency in order to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately;
  • Be able to reason mathematically by recognising relationships, developing arguments and developing proofs, all using appropriate mathematical language;
  • Solve both routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication;
  • Understand and appreciate mathematics as a language to communicate with and a tool to problem solve.

How we Implement

Click here to access the Programme of Study for Key Stage 1 & 2

White Rose Maths Support Books

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

How we Assess Impact

As well as the ongoing formative assessment that teachers use during every lesson to best meet the needs of each individual in their class, children are also formally assessed at the end of each unit and at the end of each term. The end-of-unit assessments help teachers to identify any areas in which may require more attention before moving on, while the end-of-term assessment results are recorded and shared with the Headteacher to monitor each child's long-term progress and show their attainment in relation to age-related expectations. These data may be used to identify children requiring additional support, as well as those who could be stretched to achieve more.

Children's progress is shared at parents' evenings and throughout the year, and in their end of year reports.

Our maths co-ordinator is Mr Andrews.